For example,
latexmk test.tex
runpopen command not allowed: extractbb
! LaTeX Error: Cannot run pipe command. Try --shell-escape
(--enable-pipes in MikTeX) option.
I've included png file but the extractbb should be executed without any settings in a newer latex version (TeX Live 2019).
Or, do I have to do something?
Please help.
I have a .latexmkrc as follows:
$latex = 'platex %O %S'; $biber = 'biber %O -u -U --output_safechars %B'; $bibtex = 'pbibtex %O %B'; $dvipdf = 'dvipdfmx %O -o %D %S'; $makeindex = 'mendex %O -o %D %S'; $pdf_mode = '3'; # .tex -> .dvi -> .pdf