Text FormattingForce to wrap Word to next Line

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Force to wrap Word to next Line

Post by imdadullah »

I want the word forced to wrap to next line instead of having hyphen in sentence. How it can be done.

Code: Select all


\noindent This is sample text in which word is not \textbf{wrapping} to next line I want hyphened word forced to be wrap on next line. This is sample text in which word is not \textbf{wrapping} to next line I want hyphened word forced to be wrap on next line. Thiasdfasdfs is sample text in sdfasdfwhich word is not \textbf{wrapping} to next line I want hyphened word forced to be wrap on next line.

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Force to wrap Word to next Line

Post by 5gon12eder »

What do you actually mean with "forced"? You can end a line at any point using the \\ command. So you could write

Code: Select all

This line breaks and the word wonder-\\ful is hyphenated.
But doing so would mean throwing away LaTeX's service. Maybe you just want to suggest a good place for potential hyphenation, i.e. declare a soft hyphen. This is done with the \- command.

I'm using pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009/Debian).
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Force to wrap Word to next Line

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

To avoid line-breaking in a word, you could write \mbox{word}. The hyphenat package can help suppressing hyphenation within environments or the complete document.

LaTeX.org admin

Force to wrap Word to next Line

Post by imdadullah »

Stefan_K wrote:To avoid line-breaking in a word, you could write \mbox{word}. The hyphenat package can help suppressing hyphenation within environments or the complete document.


it makes the text like zigzag.

Force to wrap Word to next Line

Post by imdadullah »

I found this solution for forced justification (like word) in latex document.

Code: Select all

Use before begin document....
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