DevelopmentWhen will the next TeXnicCenter release 2.X go live?

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When will the next TeXnicCenter release 2.X go live?

Post by aragami »

I would appreciate much if a release plan could be pulished, since the last release, 2 alpha 3 was published in May 2010.

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Re: When will the next TeXnicCenter release 2.X go live?

Post by clatch »

I have the same question. There is no information anywhere after the Alpha 3, which is more than one year old, and the posts asking about this matter remain unanswered.

Could someone explain me if the project is still on, so we can think which tool to use in the future.
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When will the next TeXnicCenter release 2.X go live?

Post by alexeiq »

Hi everyone,
is the development of Texniccenter now dead, or is somebody working on bugfixes/features or even a new version?
Would like to know if something is happening right now, since the Texniccenter-website but also in forum shows only entries / articles / comments which are years old.

Best regards, Alexei
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When will the next TeXnicCenter release 2.X go live?

Post by Johannes_B »

Personally, i haven't heard any TC news in years. I don't know any experienced user recommending TC anyway, most recommend TeXworks or Texmaker/TexStudio when it come to LaTeX specific editors. All of them work on all major operating systems.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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When will the next TeXnicCenter release 2.X go live?

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Alexei,

welcome to the forum!

Also I did not hear anything new in the recent years about TXC, and I read a lot of forums, blogs, and mailing lists.

I use TeXworks since I'm satisfied with a clean GUI and quick display. As Johannes said, Texmaker and TeXstudio play in the league of TXC but are actively maintained.

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When will the next TeXnicCenter release 2.X go live?

Post by fausto_ramos »

It would be so good it TeXnicCenter development could advance...
I like very much that set of panels displaying files, bibliographies, etc.
When one migrates to another editor, one must learn how to deal with the menus and features.
Perhaps, some features missing...
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