Before: LyX Doc -> DocBook export to SGML -> conversion to html
Now: LyX Doc -> DocBook export to XML-> conversion to html
The embedded code (\begin_layout Plain Layout...) in the document contained since long time relate to info/revision and so on did not proper survive but is required for the box
Old set worked at least with 2.3.7
New set need some tweaks for
Tweak#1: require to add in front of
Code: Select all
\begin_layout Right Address
pb at bieringer dot de
Code: Select all
lyx --export docbook5 ipv6calc.lyx
Code: Select all
<!-- <author><firstname>Peter</firstname><surname>Bieringer</surname><affiliation><address>pb at bieringer dot de</address></affiliation></author> --><!-- <revhistory> --><!-- <revision> <revnumber>12.0.0</revnumber> <date>2025-01-28</date> <authorinitials>PB</authorinitials></revision> --><!-- </revhistory> -->
Code: Select all
perl -pi -e 's#<(\/?(author|firstname|surname|affiliation|address|revhistory|revision|revnumber|date|authorinitials))>#<$1>#g' ipv6calc.xml
perl -pi -e 's#<!--\s*(</?(author|revision|revhistory)>)#$1#g' ipv6calc.xml
perl -pi -e 's#(</?(author|revision|revhistory)>)\s*-->#$1#g' ipv6calc.xml
Code: Select all
xsltproc -o ipv6calc.html db2xhtml-ipv6calc.xsl ipv6calc.xml
Thank you in advance for any help, had not found any hints using search engines the last days.