Theses, Books, Title pagesNo bibliography appears and references appear as "?"

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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Re: No bibliography appears and references appear as "?"

Post by eleanortrimble »

Hi Val,

I really love the layout of this document, thank you!

I am also having a problem with my bibliography. I use JabRef to compile my bilbiogrphy, this has worked fine for me in different documents before, and I save my file as eleanor_master_references.bib.

When I try to configure BibTex in my THESIS.tex file (this is how I named the main file) I get the warning message "Warning --I didn't find a database entry for "referenceofjournal"" I've tried this with multiple references and none of them are working. I have changed the name in the Bibliography.tex file to match my bibliography file (i.e. \bibliography{eleanor_master_references}). I have a bibliography title that appears, however there's nothing in it, and in the document like everyone else I am just getting [?].
To add, I have also saved my bibliography document (eleanor_master_references.bib) in the same file as THESIS.tex.

Can you think of why I am still having this problem? Thanks you in advance :)

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Re: No bibliography appears and references appear as "?"

Post by Johannes_B »


the masters-doctoral-thesis template got a major update this fall. The old template is now officially obsolete. The updated version uses package biblatex to deal with citations. You should have a look.
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No bibliography appears and references appear as "?"

Post by sha13267 »

If the contents of the bst file is not in the main folder, put it in the main folder where the LaTeX file is.
and commands should be for example
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Re: No bibliography appears and references appear as "?"

Post by Fan Zhang »

For anyone who is using Texifier on MacOS, the compiler engine should be "XeLaTex" rather than "PdfLaTex". At least it works for me.
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