Page Layoutfancyhf and \leftmark resizing

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fancyhf and \leftmark resizing

Post by PK_TeX »


I'd like to resize the \leftmark title on my doc.

I have:

Code: Select all


		%\fancyfoot[C]{page \thepage}

		%\fancyhead[CO]{ \fontsize{8pt}{8pt}\selectfont\textit\leftmark} % 
		% pied de page

		%\fancyfoot[C]{page \thepage}%
It works fine and I want to modify the main part in order that the fancyhead[CO] to be a little bit smaller.

I tried

\fancyhead[CO]{ \fontsize{8pt}{8pt}\selectfont\textit\leftmark}
\fancyhead[CO]{ \small\textit\leftmark} % \huge idem
\fancyhead[CO]{ \smaller[3]\textit\leftmark} % with the package relsize

but it does nothing. I do not understand why I can't change the size.

I use lualatex.


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fancyhf and \leftmark resizing

Post by Bartman »

The only mistake in your incomplete example is the typo in \lefmark, which should cause an error message. If I complete your source code snippet to a Infominimal working example, then I get the result you want. Please try to do the same and post an example that shows the problem.
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Joined: Fri Oct 18, 2024 7:53 am

fancyhf and \leftmark resizing

Post by PK_TeX »

Thanks for the answer.

Yes, my simple solution works (with an error of copy-paste), but doesn't work in my doc.

I found the error. My code and solution were fine.

But I have adapted the \section to unumbered it, and it is that which caused the problem:

Code: Select all

    % Create the inline heading
    % Set the mark (for headers/footers)
    % Make a Table of Contents entry
For adapting the \leftmark function, I need to adapt my \markboth function. With my proposal solutions, it works fine.

Thanks and sorry for the false problem.
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