I discovered Xindy recently. I want to install it because, as a Spanish LaTeX user, is very useful to have a tool what permits to write indexes with a correct handling of accents and tildes.
Unfortunately, the program is only in Linux (officially). I heard that there are Windows binaries, specifically in the TeXLive distro. But it is mixed with the rest of files.
Finally, I found the Windows binary files (separately) in the page of W32TeX. The files are available here.
At unzip, there are two folders: bin and share, this latter has one folder, texmf, and this has three folders: doc, scripts and xindy. The two first have a xindy folder.
First, I put this files in my MikTeX main folder (C:/Archivos de programa/MiKTeX 2.7) in the following way:
- The binaries (xindy, texindy) found in the bin folder, go to the /miktex/bin folder, along with latex, bibtex, makeindex, etc.
- The xindy folders in doc and scripts, go to the MikTeX doc and scripts folder, respectively.
- The standalone xindy folder (into texmf), goes to the main folder.
Having done this, I run xindy. The first problem occurs. I have a message:
I discovered that distros like TeXLive use a file called texmf.cnf for saving the general configuration, while MikTeX uses a file called miktex.ini.warning: kpathsea: configuration file texmf.cnf not found in these directories: C:/Archivos de programa/MiKTeX 2.7/miktex/bin;C:/Archivos de programa/MiKTeX 2.7/miktex;C:/Archivos de programa/MiKTeX 2.7; [a list of directories...].
Failed to find script.
Fortunately, I have a TeXLive distro in a DVD. I copy the texmf.cnf file from the /texmf/web2c folder, and I put the file in the MikTeX main folder.
I run xindy again. The following message appears:
I expected it. The problem is that, when reading the file, folders are configured differently from the way that MiKTeX does. So, I think that ,if I modify texmf.cnf so that it points to the correct folders, xindy could work.Failed to find script.
I open the texmf.cnf file, and modify the path variables: TEXMFMAIN, TEXMFDIST, etc.
I upload the modified file to J.ot Down, so you can view and modify it.
With the texmf.cnf file modified, I run xindy. But a new problem occurs. The following message appears:
Apparently found the files, but what is the "Script interpreter"? Where I get it? There is an alternative?Script interpreter is not found in PATH.
I need help. It's almost ready!
But don't tell me I have to install TeXLive