MiKTeX and proTeXtExpanding memory

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Expanding memory

Post by romu84 »

Hello! I need more memory for MiKTeX, because I'm from italian Wikipedia, and I'm trying to make other star maps through the program pp3. When I try to make a map of a constellation with the Milky Way, pp3 compiles a log with an error message:

"If you really absolutely need more capacity,
you can ask a wizard to enlarge me.
1500001 words of memory out of 1500000 "

Searching on the Web, I found that this is a very very common problem, but I didn't find a good solution. Now, because others realized the maps also with the Milky Way, it must be a solution to increase the memory... Can you kindly tell me any solution? I need a step-by-step one :cry: :| Thanks!
I use MiKTeX 2.7 updated (yesterday) on WinXPHomeSP2.

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Expanding memory

Post by localghost »

In general, the TeX capacity is only limited by the physical memory of your machine. But the MiKTeX Homepage offers some descriptions in the documentation section [1]. Perhaps this could help.

[1] MiKTeX.org - Changing TEXMF run-time parameters

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Re: Expanding memory

Post by romu84 »

I have 2GB ram. About the descriptions (your link), I can't understand it exactly; I tried anyway to modify the parameter main_mem in context.ini and latex.ini (backuping them before) then I updated the formats (in settings), but I got an error log:

Creating the latex format file...
Running pdftex...
pdftex.EXE: Bad parameter value.

makefmt: pdftex failed on latex.ini.
initexmf.EXE: The operation failed for some reason.

So you can also understand that I'm not practical about this program.
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Expanding memory

Post by localghost »

I now spent some time studying the manual of PP3, but it didn't really make me getting more familiar with that program. So I ask you to provide a .tex file, which can be attached here. I noticed in Section 4 (Usage, p. 9) and especially Section 7 (PP3 and LaTeX, p.29ff) that this is possible. Perhaps I can reproduce the behaviour on my machine, which has also 2GB of RAM. I would edit it in Kile or TeXnicCenter and process it quite normal with a compiler.
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Re: Expanding memory

Post by propell »

For a step by step guide on how to increase Miktex' memory size, I recommend taking a look at the documentation of the animate package:

http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/ ... nimate.pdf

You can find the description at the end of section 8.

- Kjell Magne Fauske
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Re: Expanding memory

Post by romu84 »

>For a step by step guide on how to increase Miktex' memory size, I recommend taking a look at the documentation of the >animate package:
>http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/ ... nimate.pdf
>You can find the description at the end of section 8.
>- Kjell Magne Fauske

It seems very interesting, but I have some doubts: firstly, where can I find "a comand line window"? Secondly, which "DOS prompt"? I'm very sorry, but I'm too much fool about theese type of edits :|
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Expanding memory

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

romu84 wrote:firstly, where can I find "a comand line window"? Secondly, which "DOS prompt"?
For a general explanation have a look at: Command line interface.
On Windows select Start Menu/ Run or type Windows key + R, and type cmd there to start cmd.exe. You may look here: Run command.

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Re: Expanding memory

Post by romu84 »

Ok ok, in my italian Windows is "Prompt dei comandi" :oops: :) This is the guide:

1. Open a command line window.
2. At the DOS prompt, enter
initexmf --edit-config-file=latex
3. Type
into the editor window that opens, save the file and quit the editor.
4. To rebuild the format, enter
initexmf --dump=latex
5. Repeat steps 2–4 with config files ‘pdflatex’ and ‘xelatex’

"C:\Documents and Settings\Roberto>"
if I write "initexmf --edit-config-file=latex", I get an error message (logically)... so what is the meaning of the instructions?
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Expanding memory

Post by propell »

romu84 wrote: So:
"C:\Documents and Settings\Roberto>"
if I write "initexmf --edit-config-file=latex", I get an error message (logically)... so what is the meaning of the instructions?
What error message do you get? I have tried this before and it worked for me.

- Kjell Magne Fauske
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Re: Expanding memory

Post by romu84 »

Done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

If I write "initexmf" and press enter, the prompt writes another line "C:\Documents and Settings\Roberto>"
Then, if I write "initexmf --edit-config-file=latex", so I can get the block-notes window.

Now it works wonderfully!! Thank you so much!!!! :D :D :D :D
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