I can almost do it now... but not quite.
I made the code below which compiles, but does not separate the exercises from the solutions. I commented out the way I thought I could separate solutions and exercises, but that did not work unless I remove \Diagram from the definition of \Solution, meaning that there is some tikZ problem with \xdef... I think.
All the pictures and files are in this Dropbox folder. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/04uujszim2jr ... 2tTBa?dl=0
[Side note: I do not know how to turn normal text into a link, so I pasted that huge URL instead...]
Sorry for the long MWE; I'm not sure what I could remove and still get the point across! If anyone needs me to comment on any of the code, I'm happy to.

Code: Select all
\usepackage[margin = 1.5cm, landscape]{geometry}
{ \pgfmathrandominteger{\Sets}{1}{10}
\or \renewcommand{\ChosenPic}{SetOfOne}
\or \renewcommand{\ChosenPic}{SetOfTwo}
\or \renewcommand{\ChosenPic}{SetOfThree}
\or \renewcommand{\ChosenPic}{SetOfFour}
\or \renewcommand{\ChosenPic}{SetOfFive}
\or \renewcommand{\ChosenPic}{SetOfSix}
\or \renewcommand{\ChosenPic}{SetOfSeven}
\or \renewcommand{\ChosenPic}{SetOfEight}
\or \renewcommand{\ChosenPic}{SetOfNine}
\or \renewcommand{\ChosenPic}{SetOfTen}
\foreach \x in {1,...,\Sets}
{\node[anchor=center] at (2.3*\x,0) {\includegraphics[scale=\picturescale]{\ChosenPic}};}
{Exercise \x
\_\_\_\_ \ boats
\_\_\_\_ \ passengers in each boat
\_\_\_\_ \ passengers in all
{Solution \x
\Sets \ boats
\PerSet \ passengers in each boat
\Total \ passengers in all
%This worked but did not separate exercises from solutions.
{\foreach \x in {1,...,10}
{\GenOneExerciseAndSolution \vskip 1cm \Exercise \vskip 1cm \Solution}
%This did not work, but would separate exercises from solutions if it did.
%{\foreach \x in {1,...,10}
% {\GenOneExerciseAndSolution \vskip 1cm \Exercise
% \xdef\ManySolutions{\ManySolutions \Solution}
% }
% }