GeneralDifference in how PDF renders in different readers

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Difference in how PDF renders in different readers

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

tripwire45 wrote:I can't really say it would "solve" my problem since I imagine, most of our customers will be using Reader 8.
It would be just interesting to know if the behaviour of the Adobe Reader will be the same with the next version. Of course one should find a solution that works with the version 8.

Regarding the color problem, could you post a minimal example showing that? That could serve as a reference when we try to discuss a solution.

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Difference in how PDF renders in different readers

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Trip,
tripwire45 wrote:I agree, using a different font could help but *ahem* how do I do that?
It may be different, sometimes just \usepackage is enough, like \usepackage{lmodern} for Latin Modern, derived from the standard Computer Modern fonts.
tripwire45 wrote:How do I change the font and is there a font that is known to work and play well with Adobe reader?
Perhaps try charter: \usepackage{charter}. I used it together with mathdesign (math fonts), so I wrote

Code: Select all

instead. I did not notice bad behaviour of the Adobe Reader with that font until now.

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Difference in how PDF renders in different readers

Post by tripwire45 »

Here's the minimal working example, including a sample graphic. When I include the graphic in this .tex doc and attempt to view it in Reader 8, the shade of green used in the table becomes a brighter green and the colors in the graphic shift. I'll have to attach the .png file so you can include it. Oh...and the font I'm currently using is Monospace.

Code: Select all

%Starting header and footer information
\fancyhead[RO,LE]{\tiny\bfseries Test\textsuperscript{\textregistered}}
\fancyfoot[LO,RE]{\tiny\bfseries Technical Test Guide}
\fancyfoot[C]{\tiny\copyright 2008 Test Inc.}
%finishing header and footer information
%improves font quality
%Renders cross-reference links black and URL links blue
%Creates customized color tags
\definecolor{olivegreen}{rgb}{0.419608 0.556863 0.137255}
%Modifies section heads
%Modifies subsection heads
%Modifies subsubsection heads
%Makes second level items in an itemized list bullets instead of dashes
%Suppresses numbering of sections

\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
\fancyhead[RO,LE]{\tiny\bfseries Test\textsuperscript{\textregistered}}
\fancyfoot[LO,RE]{\tiny Technical Test Guide}
\fancyfoot[C]{\tiny\copyright 2008 Test Inc.}


\subsection{Test Table}

\begin{tabular}{ |>{\small}p{2cm} |>{\small}p{2cm} |>{\small}p{1cm} |>{\small}p{7cm} | } \hline
\rowcolor{olivegreen}\textcolor{white}{\bfseries Test} & \textcolor{white}{\bfseries Test} & \textcolor{white}{\bfseries Test} & \textcolor{white}{\bfseries Test} \\ \hline
\textbf{TEST} & T & 00 & Test \\ \hline
\rowcolor{olivegreen!25} \textbf{TEST} & T & 00 & T = Test \\
\rowcolor{olivegreen!25} & & & T = Test \\
\rowcolor{olivegreen!25} & & & T = Test \\ \hline
\textbf{TEST} & T & 00 & Test \\ \hline
\rowcolor{olivegreen!25} \textbf{TEST} & T & 00 & Test \\ \hline
\textbf{TEST} & T & 00 & Test \\ \hline
\rowcolor{olivegreen!25} \textbf{TEST} & & 00 & Test \\ \hline
\textbf{TEST} & & 00 & Test \\


test.png (5.71 KiB) Viewed 9151 times
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Re: Difference in how PDF renders in different readers

Post by tripwire45 »

The \usepackage{charter} package worked. Fonts are fixed and view well in Reader 8, as the attached screen capture shows. Now the only issue left (well, my solution for the table lines is still somewhat kloogie) is the color problem.
fixed_fonts.png (7.58 KiB) Viewed 9137 times
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: Difference in how PDF renders in different readers

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Trip,

try the png file attached. I changed the color mode from rgb to indexed color (optimal palette) using GIMP.

test2.png (2.75 KiB) Viewed 9136 times admin
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Difference in how PDF renders in different readers

Post by T3. »


To minimize font rendering issues you can use one of the standard PostScript fonts, like Palatino or Times. They don't even have to embedded in your pdf as PostScript standard (and PDF as well, I think) guarantees that they must be always available.

Two useful links for font selection: Cheers,

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Re: Difference in how PDF renders in different readers

Post by tripwire45 »

The good news is that it worked. Thank you so much, Stefan. Alas, the bad news is that this means I need to manually convert hundreds of .png files. Oy. :roll:

Oh well, at least there's a solution. Time to get to work. ;)
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Difference in how PDF renders in different readers

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

tripwire45 wrote:The good news is that it worked. Thank you so much, Stefan. Alas, the bad news is that this means I need to manually convert hundreds of .png files.
You could use the GIMP batch mode.

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Re: Difference in how PDF renders in different readers

Post by tripwire45 »

Thanks, again.
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Re: Difference in how PDF renders in different readers

Post by tripwire45 »

Not to look a gift house in the mouth, but how did you know that changing the color mode on the .png files would make them look correct in Adobe Reader, Stefan?
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