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Extracting sections from a large document into a database

Postby jd6 » Thu Sep 19, 2024 5:05 pm

I have been compiling a compendium of published studies on off and on for the past 25 years. The latest version is here. It is becoming a bit unmanageable (700 pages and hundreds of studies cited). It is fiddly to add new studies so I was looking for a better way of updating the LaTeX files but without having to start from stratch.

Is there a means of semi-automatically converting a LaTeX file into a simple database (one entry per section, for example)? Then from the database a way of putting the document back together from the individual parts. I have seen DataTex, which appears to do the second part but not the first.

Thanks for your suggestions.


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Extracting sections from a large document into a database

Postby mas » Mon Sep 23, 2024 2:51 am

In principle, it should be possible. Without looking at how you have structured your LaTeX file, it is difficult to guess. If you are adding new citations (only), biber/biblatex may serve the purpose.

Please post a snippet of your tex file, and let suggestions come in.

OS: Debian/GNU Linux; LaTeX System : TeXLive; Editor : Vim

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Extracting sections from a large document into a database

Postby jd6 » Mon Sep 30, 2024 5:39 pm

Thanks for the reply.

The document is composed of a handful of.tex files with a master.tex file that puts them together using include statements.

The main files of the content are large files comprising sections with titles that are bibtex citations, eg:


Then a set of \item with the summary of that study.

There are some large tables with information on each reference too.

The issue is that adding new sections is a bit slow with a very large.tex file and also I would like the sections to be in date and alphabetical order that requires some work as I find studies in a random order.


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