XeTeXWriting Japanese with XeTeX

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Writing Japanese with XeTeX

Post by MoonKid »

I want to write Japanese with XeTeX.

The tex file is UTF-8 coded of course.

I want the traditional reading from top to bottom and right to left. How can I realize it?

In my example I have to set explicite a font. It is because the default font doesn't support japanese characters. I tried Arial (for example) but it doesn't work. But using Arial in LibreOffice work fine with japanese characters. So why can LibreOffice display japanese characters with Arial but XeTeX can not?

That is the code

Code: Select all





btw: I read about the package xeCJK http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/ ... tex/xecjk/. But against the information on the CTAN website there is no english documentation availabe. So I am not able to use or understand it.
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Writing Japanese with XeTeX

Post by cgnieder »

Just for information for potential answerers: this has also been asked on TeXwelt. and on golatex.

site moderator & package author
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