So, I have a simple LaTeX document in LEd:
Code: Select all
\title{My Sample \LaTeX{} Document}
\captionof{figure}{Sample cation}
Code: Select all
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Unparsed material at end of special ignored.
Current input buffer is -->! systemdict //pdfmark known{userdict //?pdfmark sys...<--
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Unknown token "SDict"
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting PS code failed!!! Output might be broken!!!
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting special command ps: (ps:) failed.
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> at page="1" position="(72, 720)" (in PDF)
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> xxx "ps:SDict begin [//Producer (dvips + Distiller)//Title ()//Subje..."
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> Reading special command stopped around >>begin [//Producer (dvips + Distiller)//Title ()//Subject ()//Cre...<<
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Unparsed material at end of special ignored.
Current input buffer is -->! //DvipsToPDF{72.27 mul Resolution div} def//PDFToD...<--
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Unknown token "SDict"
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting PS code failed!!! Output might be broken!!!
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting special command ps: (ps:) failed.
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> at page="1" position="(72, 720)" (in PDF)
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> xxx "ps:SDict begin //product where{pop product(Distiller)search{p..."
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> Reading special command stopped around >>begin //product where{pop product(Distiller)search{pop pop po...<<
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Unknown token "SDict"
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting PS code failed!!! Output might be broken!!!
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting special command ps: (ps:) failed.
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> at page="1" position="(109.854, 704.063)" (in PDF)
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> xxx "ps:SDict begin H.S end"
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> Reading special command stopped around >>begin H.S end<<
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Unknown token "SDict"
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting PS code failed!!! Output might be broken!!!
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting special command ps: (ps:) failed.
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> at page="1" position="(109.854, 704.063)" (in PDF)
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> xxx "ps:SDict begin H.R end"
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> Reading special command stopped around >>begin H.R end<<
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Unknown token "SDict"
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting PS code failed!!! Output might be broken!!!
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting special command ps: (ps:) failed.
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> at page="1" position="(109.854, 704.063)" (in PDF)
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> xxx "ps:SDict begin [//View [//XYZ H.V]//Dest (page.1) cvn //DEST pdf..."
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> Reading special command stopped around >>begin [//View [//XYZ H.V]//Dest (page.1) cvn //DEST pdfmark end<<
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Unknown token "SDict"
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting PS code failed!!! Output might be broken!!!
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting special command ps: (ps:) failed.
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> at page="1" position="(110.854, 666.202)" (in PDF)
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> xxx "ps:SDict begin [//PageMode //UseOutlines//Page 1//View [//Fit] //D..."
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> Reading special command stopped around >>begin [//PageMode //UseOutlines//Page 1//View [//Fit] //DOCVIEW pd...<<
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Unknown token "SDict"
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting PS code failed!!! Output might be broken!!!
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting special command ps: (ps:) failed.
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> at page="1" position="(110.854, 666.202)" (in PDF)
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> xxx "ps:SDict begin [ {Catalog}<<>> //PUT pdfmark end"
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> Reading special command stopped around >>begin [ {Catalog}<<>> //PUT pdfmark end<<
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Unknown token "SDict"
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting PS code failed!!! Output might be broken!!!
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting special command ps: (ps:) failed.
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> at page="1" position="(110.854, 666.202)" (in PDF)
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> xxx "ps:SDict begin H.S end"
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> Reading special command stopped around >>begin H.S end<<
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Unknown token "SDict"
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting PS code failed!!! Output might be broken!!!
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting special command ps: (ps:) failed.
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> at page="1" position="(110.854, 666.202)" (in PDF)
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> xxx "ps:SDict begin 14.5 H.A end"
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> Reading special command stopped around >>begin 14.5 H.A end<<
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Unknown token "SDict"
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting PS code failed!!! Output might be broken!!!
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Interpreting special command ps: (ps:) failed.
** W/b/c9/cError:/b/c0/c //typecheck in --pdfmark--
Operand stack:
--nostringval-- --nostringval-- --dict:1//1(L)-- PUT
Execution stack:
%interp_exit .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- false 1 %stopped_push 1910 1 3 %oparray_pop 1910 1 3 %oparray_pop 1909 1 3 %oparray_pop --nostringval-- 1893 1 3 %oparray_pop 1787 1 3 %oparray_pop --nostringval-- %errorexec_pop .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- 1917 4 3 %oparray_pop --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
--dict:1164//1684(ro)(G)-- --dict:0//20(G)-- --dict:82//200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS /b/c9/cerror:/b/c0/c No such file or directory
MiKTeX GPL Ghostscript 9.00: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
ARNING ** >> at page="1" position="(110.854, 666.202)" (in PDF)
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> xxx "ps:SDict begin [//View [//XYZ H.V]//Dest (Doc-Start) cvn //DEST ..."
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** >> Reading special command stopped around >>begin [//View [//XYZ H.V]//Dest (Doc-Start) cvn //DEST pdfmark e..<<
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Filtering file via command -->mgs.exe -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sPAPERSIZE=a0 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 -dAutoFilterGrayImages=false -dGrayImageFilter=//FlateEncode -dAutoFilterColorImages=false -dColorImageFilter=//FlateEncode -dUseFlateCompression=true -sOutputFile="C://Users//UKASZ~1//AppData//Local//Temp//mik6C3B.tmp" "C://Users//Ĺukasz//Documents//LEdProjects//PdfObj//tail.eps" -c quit<-- failed.
** /b/c12/cWARNING /b/c0/c** Image format conversion for "C://Users//Ĺukasz//Documents//LEdProjects//PdfObj//tail.eps" failed...
** /b/c9/cERROR /b/c0/c** pdf_ref_obj(): passed invalid object