The GUI has been extensively modified : tabs are no more used for the editor and the pdf viewer is now fully embedded in the main window (for screen with a resolution greater than 1400 px)
a critical bug has been fixed in the editor
the bug about the "latex+asymptote+latex+dvips+viewps" mode for the "quick build" command has been fixed
the preamble can now be collapsed (from the first line to the \begin{document} command)
users can now add items to the auto-complete commands list
labels are now checked in the "child" documents while using the "master mode" (for one level only)
a "full screen" mode has been added
the \addbibresource{} command is now detected like \bibliography{}
the code of the mathematicals symbols are displayed in a "tooltip" while moving mouse in the "symbols panels"
some new keyboard shortcuts has been added : ctrl+space for switching between the editor and the embedded pdf viewer and ctrl+>/ctrl+< for indenting/unindenting the selected text.
the settings file can now be saved, deleted or loaded
all the colors for the syntax highlighting can now be changed (a preconfigured dark theme is available)
graphics environments and .asy files have their own syntax highlighting mode
a selected piece of text can now be surrounded by french/german quotes (these quotes has been added to the "LaTeX" menu and to the completion)
a panel can be added in the structure view to show the list of opened files ("View" menu)
the Texdoc tool can be launched directly via the Help menu (users can select the name of the environment before calling Texdoc)
the list of label and bibliography items can now be used to customize the completion
the "recent files" list can now be cleaned
the shortcuts of some commands can now be changed ("switching between the editor and the pdf viewer", "french/german quotes", "next/previous document",...)
*.asy files can now be opened directly without using the "all files" filter
*.jpeg has been added to the list of the "includegraphics wizard"
.thm and .pre files are now deleted while using the "clean" command
windows and mac versions are now compiled with Qt 4.8 and poppler 0.18.2
a version compiled on macosx lion is now available wrote:Texmaker 3.0 has been released :
The GUI has been extensively modified : tabs are no more used for the editor and the pdf viewer is now fully embedded in the main window (for screen with a resolution greater than 1400 px)
I've seen old screenshots where a all open documents had their own tab instead of being listed in a pull-down menu. Is that what this change is referring to? If so, what's the correct forum for me to voice my support for the old style?