I am running TeXShop 3.18. I have downloaded the EasyChair class. I have moved all the EasyChair files (the class file) to "/Applications/TeX/easychair".
I assume that I should take a copy of the "easychar.tex" file and move it to a directory where I have my source files. I basically pasted the contents of "easychair.tex" into TeXShop and saved it as "/Users/teig/Documents/Articles/nextpaper_based_on_easychair.tex".
But when I try to typeset I get all kind or errors around not finding "easychair.cls". I have tried to set the paths but that does not help. It's probably around here:
Code: Select all
As a beginner I am stranded already here (I have tried to search the internet and read the documents).
And finally "The EasyChair Class File Documentation and Guide for Authors".
Aclassifier, Trondheim, Norway