LyXBibliographies/references containing English and Arabic

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Bibliographies/references containing English and Arabic

Post by acronym7900 »

Hello! I am writing a research paper in Arabic (from RTL) with some English. I am using LyX version in a MacBook Pro (2015) set to English, and Zotero to generate a BibLaTex file. I am also using English references and I want to write an Arabic translation of the title in brackets (as recommended by APA style). When I set the bibliography, in LyX, to Arabic, I get the Arabic translated title right, that is from RTL, but the rest, in English, is wrong, that is also from RTL, as shown in the image with the Arabic heading. And, when I set the bibliography to English, in LyX, I get the Arabic translated title wrong, that is from LTR, and the rest, in English, right, that is from LTR, as shown in the image with the English heading. How to solve this problem in both situations, please?
Bibliography set in English
Bibliography set in English
Screen Shot 2024-10-31 at 3.50.18 PM.png (110.29 KiB) Viewed 1173 times
Bibliography set in Arabic
Bibliography set in Arabic
Screen Shot 2024-10-31 at 3.59.16 PM.png (109.06 KiB) Viewed 1173 times

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